Wednesday, January 16, 2008

First Impression of Fischer

Greg Fischer's campaign announcement looked like a spit and a promise. It was hastily thrown together, sloppy and devoid of any deep thought or new ideas. This millionaire candidate should definitely ask for his money back.

Everything about it was schlocky. Take the video announcement. The camera's depth of field made the books right behind him look fuzzy, not in an artsy way, but rather in a way that distracted me from wondering why the shot wasn't centered on his head.

Then there was his delivery. I believe Fischer when he boasts of having worked on the docks, and of having strong union ties. He says the docks were in Alaska -- and also says he's a Kentucky native -- and yet he sounds more like a Long Shore man from New Jersey. In fact, his announcement would make an excellent audition tape, should The Sopranos ever come back.

Of course, he didn't have much to work with. The writing was generally of a poor quality (lots of !!!) and showed an inattention to detail (such as the inability to use one disclaimer consistently). I knew that the Democrats have strong ties to Hollywood, but I didn't realize that the writer's strike would hurt their candidates so.

Throughout Fischer's video and press release, there is a recurring tension between his status as a millionaire and his desire to fit in with blue collar Democrats. Thus, we are told he worked on the docks "to help pay for college" (Vanderbilt). And then this: "following his college graduation, Greg used the money he earned in Alaska to backpack solo around the world for a year." That must have been some summer job.

We get hints that Fischer is a multiculturalist when he mentions his membership in organizations like "Center for Interfaith Relations" and the "World Conference of Religions for Peace." There will be plenty of time to learn more about these organizations and Fischer's ties to them. Note, however, that when a Democrat advocates a multicultural, interfaith approach to "world peace," it usually means that America should withdraw, disarm and send aid to our enemies.

On Fischer's blog, he uses his 17 year old son, George, to lay out the case for his dad. That's the only entry. And poor George's photo is cropped from the family portrait. Children of politicians have been known to give their parents a boost; take Amy Carter's lemonade stand. Sorry, George, but you really ought to stick to Facebook.

Fischer's announcement has underwhelmed the left, like this Demo-blog, which described Fischer as an "ice cube millionaire and Anne Northup supporter who thinks he can buy an election without having any grassroots support among Democrats and activists." And that's coming from his party.

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