Saturday, January 19, 2008

Horne asks Nutroots for Help

Andrew Horne continues to demonstrate that he is not your average Democrat. Now he's turned for help -- money and bodies -- from the Daily Kos. For those who've never bothered to read it, the Daily Kos is the voice of the far-left fringe of what used to be the party of Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy. These so-called "netroots" are the voice of Democrats unhinged, including, Michael Moore and Howard Dean. Horne hasn't just appealed to the Nutroots for help, he's actually blogging for them.

First, Horne begs for money:

[S]ince there is no more tenacious force in politics today than the Netroots, I need your help to win.

Right now, the biggest problem facing our campaign is money. The DSCC wants to sit this race out, either by supporting a self-funder (because, when you’re running against a guy with as many big-money donors as McConnell, the first thing you want to do is trigger the Millionaire’s Amendment and raise his contribution limits!), or by simply ignoring this race and giving McConnell a pass.

Then Horne pleads for bodies:

Second thing we need is to organize our supporters. We’re facing one hell of a fight, and we need to marshal our strength and focus our energies if we’re going to succeed. To that end, I’ve brought on two Kossacks to help with that effort, Colin Bishopp and JR Lentini. The first thing they wanted me to do is ask those of you who want to help us beat McConnell to join our new Google Group, Netroots for Horne.

Horne acknowledges that he faces a primary, but miscounts the number of opponents: "We do have a challenger in the primary, and we’re going to have a difficult campaign in the general." (emphasis added).

No, Andrew, you have three opponents and counting.

Horne promised to blog on a regular basis. He has plenty of inspiration; he located his headquarters between a comic book store and a liquor store. If Horne starts pretending he has superhero powers, we'll know where he's getting his material.

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