Friday, January 11, 2008

The Story the C-J Refuses to Cover

Somebody correct me if I've missed it. A few days ago, Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell's campaign released new poll numbers that showed him with a 61 percent approval rating and double-digit leads over every conceivable candidate, with the exception of David Hawpe.

Yet I have not seen that story covered in the Courier-Journal, or the Lexington Herald-Leader, or on local television news. National journalists covered it. But the Kentucky dinosaur media ignore it. Sometimes, media bias becomes most evident by the absence of coverage.


  1. Bridget, that's not news. Don't you realize that?

    If the news would show a fall from grace for the Senator, that would be "news." For a lot of people to continue to approve of him, that's just not "news."

  2. CBS News has reported the results of this latest poll regarding Senator McConnell. See

    It's amazing that the C-J and Herald Leader won't report what even Dan Rather's network recognizes should be reported.
