Friday, March 21, 2008

NRCC Targets Yarmuth

As the Ditch Mitch movement runs out of steam, Kentucky Democrats' election-year strategy will need to shift from offense to defense to protect their most vulnerable member in the state's Washington, D.C. delegation. The Southern Political Report notes that Congressman John Yarmuth is on Republicans' target list for defeat in November:

The National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee (NRCC) has included five Southern congressional districts among its 24 targets for making US House gains in this fall’s elections. The five Democratic incumbents that the GOP will focus on in Dixie are Nick Lampson (TX 22), Tim Mahoney (FL 16), Jim Marshall (GA 8), Ciro Rodriguez (TX 23) and John Yarmuth (KY 3). All are freshmen, when incumbents are traditionally most vulnerable, except Marshall, who was elected in 2002.

Yarmuth's vulnerability is undoubtedly enhanced by the poor showing of both Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama with Kentucky voters:

A SurveyUSA poll of Kentucky voters released March 19 shows John McCain leading both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton by significant margins. McCain beat Obama 64% to 28%, a whopping 36-point margin, and beat Clinton by a still healthy 53% to 43%.

1 comment:

  1. The netroots are realizing that KY's Demo pols know the path to electoral success in KY won't be paved with liberal policies. Unfortunately for the netties, they were used by the same pols to achieve their power.
