Monday, March 10, 2008

Spitzer's Subliminal Advertising

The night before Valentine's Day, many husbands are busy shopping for chocolates or making dinner reservations for a romantic evening. New York Governor Elliot Spitzer enjoyed his rendezvous a night early, but not with his wife.

Spitzer, a Democrat, apparently visited a prostitute at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C. Spitzer has been caught on a federal wiretap of a prostitution ring known as the Empeorors [sic] Club VIP, where the most expensive women sold their bodies for $5,500 an hour.

Before becoming governor, Spitzer was Attorney General of New York. He made his reputation as a real law and order guy -- and even investigated a few prostitution rings.

Spitzer exploited his reformer-image in his commercials when he ran for governor. But that's not all he exploited. At least one of his commercials was, what -- Freudian? Prophetic? Pathetic?

One ad starts out stating that once and a while, someone comes along who "takes on Goliath, slays the proverbial lion." Turns out that Spitzer has more in common with David than slaying Goliath; David had a famous run-in with a prostitute named Bathsheba.

Then there's the reference to slaying the dragon, an allusion to St. George. We now know that Spitzer is no saint. But according to the New York Times, some prostitutes thought his name was George.

Spitzer's ads saved the best for last. His tag line: "Bring Some Passion Back to Albany."

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