Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Way To Go, Scott Brown!

It turns out the best polling was done by the Black Eyed Peas: "Tonight's gonna be a good night," and it was for Republicans, Reagan Democrats and Independents who took back the People's Seat. Simultaneously, they injected note of sanity into the debate, including the need to bring the health care issue out from behind the closed doors with Scott Brown's promise that when it comes to health care reform, "We can do better."

Statements of congratulations are flowing in. First, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, who really, really needed the extra troops:

I want to congratulate Senator-elect Scott Brown on his decisive victory. There’s a reason the nation was focused on this race: The voters in Massachusetts, like Americans everywhere, have made it abundantly clear where they stand on health care. They don’t want this bill and want Washington to listen to them. Americans are investing their hopes in good Republican candidates to reverse a year-long Democrat trend of ignoring the American people on the issues of health care, spending and the growth of government.

And from U.S. Senate candidate Trey Grayson:

Kentuckians had it right in 2008 when we overwhelmingly rejected the radical liberal agenda of President Obama and the Congressional majority in Washington. It appears much of the rest of the country is now coming around to our way of thinking after a year of an attempted government takeover of health care, closed door negotiations, secret back room deals, the push for a cap and trade law to create a national energy tax, and more out-of-control spending and borrowing than our nation has ever seen.

My heart felt congratulations goes out to Scott Brown, his family and campaign staff and volunteers.It is not just a victory for Massachusetts, but for the whole country.
Let’s hope that much like our own Ron Lewis’ race in 1994 this race will be a bellwether for the election results this fall. Americans didn’t vote for more intrusive government, higher taxes and a skyrocketing national debt in 2008, but that’s what we’ve gotten from this Congress. If I’m elected to the U.S. Senate my top priority will be working to restore our nation’s fiscal health.

Congratulations, as well, to those former Romney operatives who ran a brilliant campaign, even the ones who wouldn't bother to return Scott Brown's phone calls when he was a nobody.

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