Friday, April 16, 2010

Rick Santorum Endorses Trey

Former Sen. Rick Santorum -- a rising conservative star -- endorsed Trey Grayson, based on Grayson's commitment to protecting the unborn.

Here's the release:

Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum announced today that he is endorsing Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate. Santorum is in Kentucky to speak at the 40th anniversary dinner for Kentucky Right to Life.

"Trey Grayson is the only 100% pro-life candidate in this race. I’ve looked at the records and past statements of both candidates on the issue of protecting life, and I’m impressed with Grayson’s conviction and sincerity,” said Santorum.

He continued, “And on other issues, too, Trey Grayson has a solidly conservative record. As Secretary of State he has cut his budget by 15%. That’s the kind of fiscal conservatism we need in Washington. Trey has a record, not just rhetoric on fiscal responsibility.”

Grayson commented, “It means a lot to me that Senator Santorum would endorse my campaign. I’m thrilled to have his support. If I’m elected I will be a conservative voice for Kentucky whose views match our state and whose principles don’t change for the sake of political expediency.”

Santorum will appear on the Terry Meiners Show and The Pulse of Lexington with Leland Conway today to discuss Grayson’s candidacy and his endorsement.

Rand Paul has recently claimed to be pro-life, but in contrast to Trey Grayson, he has a long record of advocating pro-choice positions.

1 comment:

  1. "Former Sen. Rick Santorum -- a rising conservative star -- endorsed Trey Grayson....."

    Note that the "rising star" is a "former Senator." Now how did that happen, honey?

