Monday, April 26, 2010

Yarmuth Town Hall

Rep. John Yamuth just robo-called to say that he will host a telephone town hall tomorrow (Tuesday, April 27 at 6:20) to answer questions about the health care legislation recently enacted.

His message did not leave the call-in number; he said he'd call back.

Yarmuth has been one of the most aggressive members of Congress in seeking a single-payer system. Although he is completely wrong on the merits, I commend him for making himself available to answer his constituents' questions about the new law.

1 comment:

  1. The last time he did this in August 2009, I submitted my question and was on-hold for 90 minutes.He never got to me and I noticed that other questioners were cut off after their initial questions so that there could be no back-and-forth or correction of the Rep.'s "misunderstanding" of the questions being asked.
