Thursday, May 27, 2010

It Could Be Worse

We Grayson supporters continue to cry in our beer, while Republicans in Nevada worry that the Tea Party candidate will take their beer away.

The Nevada Republican primary for the U.S. Senate seat -- Harry Reid's seat -- features Sharron Angle. According to National Review Online, Angle went from 5 to 25 points in the polls once the Tea Party threw its support her way.

NRO now speculates on whether Angle will be the next Rand Paul; will she win the primary and then be revealed to espouse all sorts of weird positions on issues nobody thought to ask her about?

Libertarians, including Rand Paul, get criticized for their hostility to federal drug laws. For some libertarians, the issue is that the government has no right to interfere with recreational drug use; it is government overreach into individual conduct. For others, including Paul if you believe him, the issue is one of federalism: leave drug enforcement to the states.

Then there is Nevada's Sharron Angle, who not only supports criminalizing narcotics, but has suggested that alcohol should also be prohibited (Yes! That's how Prohibition got its name.)

In an interview in 2005 on the legalization of marijuana, Anglegrudgingly tolerates the legality of alcohol: “I would tell you that I have the same feelings about legalizing marijuana, not medical marijuana, but just legalizing marijuana. I feel the same about legalizing alcohol. . . . The effect on society is so great that I’m just not a real proponent of legalizing any drug or encouraging any drug . I’m elected by the people to protect, and I think that law should protect.” Her spokesman vehemently denies that Angle is a prohibitionist, but one can imagine how that comment could get construed by Nevada restaurant,casino and bar workers in a heated Senate campaign.

It would be like Rand Paul coming out against the thoroughbred industry. Oh, wait, Kentucky Senate President David Williams already did that.

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