Saturday, July 3, 2010

Dan Mongiardo Needs to Grow Up

It's been nearly two months since he lost the Democratic primary, and still Dan Mongiardo has not endorsed Jack Conway. His sulking has grown tiresome. Even the C-J has called out Mongiardo for being a sore loser.

Mind you, Mongiardo's pettiness is great for Republican Rand Paul.

But it still bothers me, because it sets such a poor example. There is a place for courtesy and good sportsmanship even in politics -- particularly after the voters have spoken. It is therefore uncomfortable to watch Mongiardo embarrass himself, even while so doing he helps my team win.

Mongiardo needs to endorse Conway not just for the sake of his party, but as an example to his little girl. Sometimes in life we lose. And when we do, we congratulate the winner, shake off the hurt feelings and move on.

1 comment:

  1. Well said. What kind of example is he setting for his daughter.
