Thursday, July 8, 2010

Rand on Berwick

Rand Paul has circled back to the issue that catapulted the Tea Party: health care. Specifically, Paul is taking on the recess appointment of Donald Berwick as head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Control. Paul is aligned with the Republican Caucus -- even seizes upon the same Berwick quotes -- but true to form, Paul has more to say. I particularly like the format Paul uses at the end of his release to compare his positions to those of Jack Conway:

Earlier this year, President Obama and Nancy Pelosi conspired to ram through their national healthcare scheme, forcing Americans into a trillion dollar government-controlled system. Jack Conway, instead of joining with other Attorneys General to fight for Kentucky’s rights, instead embraced their government mandates.

Now, President Obama is making another extreme move in the realm of healthcare - and Jack Conway is nowhere to be found. So once again we ask, Where is Jack?

Here's just a taste of the extreme views of the new nominee to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Don Berwick:

"Any health care funding plan that is just, equitable, civilized, and humane must, must redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the poorer and the less fortunate. Excellent health care is by definition redistributional."

And that’s just a start.
Some other eye-popping stances from Don Berwick:

"The decision is not whether or not we will ration care - the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open." June 2009
"I am romantic about the (British) National Health Service. I love it." He also called this socialized system an "example to the whole world."
This is the man who will be in charge of a system that spends nearly one TRILLION dollars a year on healthcare.

Of course these views match very well with those of President Obama, who said: "The chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80 percent of the total health care bill out here….There is going to have to be a very difficult democratic conversation that takes place."

President Obama can deny it all he wants - the fact is, he has pushed through a plan that leads to socialized medicine, rationed care and exploding spending and deficits. And now he is pushing forward his nominee to further those aims.

Our government has no business being in charge of health care. And it certainly has no business deciding who gets care and who doesn’t. Those systems have failed in other countries, and they will fail here if allowed to be implemented.

That’s why Rand Paul supports repeal of Obamacare, and would oppose the nomination of Don Berwick in the Senate. He is another nominee, another extremist who seeks to "redistribute" wealth and force tax increases to pay for "free" healthcare.

To make matters worse, this nominee is being placed into office by "recess appointment", a power given to the President to put someone in an office without Senate confirmation. Recess appointments have been used recently to put extremists in office who could never pass the constitutionally-required advise and consent of the Senate.

The Senate has not held a single hearing on this nominee. No questions have been asked. No reports given. No debate has taken place. Yet, President Obama has decided that the Republicans in the Senate would not pass the nomination. This is a typical spin from the White House, posture, bluster, blame, then sneak your plan through. Unfortunately for them, the facts are not on their side. This is simply an end-around the process, and should be condemned by both sides of the aisle.

Rand Paul President Obama Jack Conway
Opposed Obamacare Obviously pushed Obamacare Sided with Obama and against 65% of Kentuckians who oppose it
Opposes trillion dollars in new spending Proposed trillion dollars in new spending
Supported trillion dollar new spending
Opposes government rationing Appointed nominee who supports rationing ???
Opposes socialized medicine Pushing country toward socialized medicine ???
Supports Repeal of Obamacare Will fight against repeal ???
Opposes nominee to implement Obamacare Appointed extremist nominee in favor of Rationing care and socialized medicine ???

This issue is current matter for the U.S. Senate. Once again, Rand Paul will take clear, full, principled stands so you’ll know what he’ll do as your next Senator. Where is Jack??

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