Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Careful What You Wish For

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell may get to try his hand at herding cats, if all the maverick-y Tea Partiers get elected. (The Washington Examiner, via Instapundit, has the list.)

Rand Paul has been left behind, as these upstarts in Republican Senate primaries across the country try to outdo each other in professing their love for the constitution and their loathing for debt.

And that's fine, in theory. The looming question is whether any of these people will be able to transition from candidate to Senator -- will their ideological purity prevent them from getting anything done?

Remember when Rand Paul was all shiny and new and exotic? There are now enough Rand Paul clones to form a caucus. He is starting to look mainstream.

1 comment:

  1. I so worry about this. My hopes are they will stick to their core principles of limited government and promote sound fiscal policy. My worries are that when this wave of Republicans hit Washington they will be co-opted by establishment Republicans and we will end up at the same place we are now.
