Monday, August 9, 2010

Rand's Wild and Crazy Days at Baylor

It seems Rand Paul was in some sort of secret society and participated in hazing a classmate by blind-folding her and trying to get her to do bong hits, and then telling her to worship a stream. (Hey, they were on the swim team!)

The Paul campaign's non-denial from Jesse Benton: "We'll leave National Enquirer-type stories about his teenage years in the tabloids where they belong." (Memo to self: subscribe to National Enquirer.)

Two thoughts. First, I'm pretty sure Trey Grayson never did anything like this. Kentucky Republicans wanted a fresh, colorful candidate and boy did we ever get one.

Second, I don't really care what the guy did in college as long as he will restore the federal government to its proper -- limited -- role and reduce the debt.

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