Monday, September 20, 2010

Todd Lally Jobs Plan

Todd Lally spelled out his plans for creating an environment in which small businesses can and will hire new employees. We know the C-J will not publish the whole thing, so I reprint his release below in its entirety, uncut and unfiltered.

It's classic conservatism, with the exception of the point about penalizing firms for hiring overseas. That, to me, is too protectionist and restricts the free flow of capital. I don't want the tax code to encourage U.S. employers to take jobs overseas, but I'm not sure we should punish them either.

Here's Todd's plan:

I believe that government doesn't create jobs but it can create an environment that encourages job growth and economic prosperity. As your Congressman, I will promote the following policies to get America back on track and ensure that quality jobs return to Louisville.

Promote Job Growth

Seven out of ten jobs are created by small businesses. Ending the recession means giving small businesses the tax relief they need and not punishing them for being successful. I will support policies that encourage the growth of good paying jobs, including:

- Providing tax credits to incentivize small businesses to expand their operations and hire new employees.

- Penalize corporations that ship good paying American jobs overseas and provide incentives for them to bring both jobs and overseas earnings back to the U.S.

Stop Harmful Regulations & Job Killing Legislation

Over-regulation hits small businesses hardest, and uncertain regulatory environments keep businesses from hiring new workers. I will:

- Oppose new regulations that will result in jobs being lost or have negative impacts on small businesses.

- Support legislation that would identify and repeal regulations that hurt small businesses and limit our economic growth.

- Support reducing or removing regulatory barriers to energy production and support streamlining the approval process for all types of domestic energy production. Doing this has the benefit of lowering energy costs, reducing our dependence on foreign oil and will create jobs.

I would have voted against programs that hurt small businesses like the "Cap and Trade" energy tax, and the government's takeover of our healthcare system. Unfortunately, our current Congressman has supported these and other job killing legislation that has sent us down the wrong course and cost us jobs right here in Louisville.

Cut Out of Control Spending

Washington's crushing debt and reckless spending habits are a threat to our way of life. Despite over $13 trillion dollars of debt, my opponent continues to support policies that allow our debt to grow. I support:

- Freezing domestic discretionary spending until we have a balanced budget. This is a responsible way to curb the massive increases to our national debt.

- Creating a balanced budget amendment that will force politicians to get spending back under control.

- Reclaim the approximately one-third of stimulus money that has not been spent and instead invest the money in incentives for small businesses to create new jobs. It has been more than a year and a half since the stimulus was signed into law, money that hasn’t been spent by now will never be effectively used to create jobs.

Keep Taxes Low

Our out-of-control spending leads to an oppressive tax environment and further fuels Congress’ thirst for more taxes. Now is not the time to raise taxes, especially taxes that impact working families, small businesses and entrepreneurs. That is why I support extending the tax cuts that are set to expire at the end of the year. That is why I have signed a pledge to not raise taxes and also support further tax relief for working and middle class families.


It is time to turn this economy around and empower small businesses to create jobs. We can do it, we have the strongest workforce in the country – but the government needs to be a partner, not an obstacle to job creation. Unfortunately my opponent has put Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco national agenda before what’s best for us.

I promise you that I am not going to let Washington get in the way of Louisville’s success. Too much at stake, and our children our counting on us to get our country back on track and secure their future.

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