Wednesday, January 2, 2013

McConnell Was Brilliant to Hire Jesse Benton

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell's decision to hire Jesse Benton as his campaign manager already is paying off. Benton's Tea Party bona fides could not be stronger, as a former campaign manager of the Pauls.

To those Tea Party patriots who are displeased with McConnell's role in negotiating the compromise to the Fiscal Cliff, Benton reassures.  For some, the deal McConnell struck looks suspect because it does raise taxes on couples above $450k without really generating much revenue -- and without immediate cuts.

This tax increase, indeed, any tax increase, exposes McConnell on his right flank.  That's why Benton's explanation of the strategy behind the deal is so important, particularly with respect the bifurcated approach to making tax rates permanent so that this issue will be off the table when the negotiating turns to the debt limit:

I have had the honor of working for some leaders I could really be proud to stand with. And let me tell you, I have never been more proud of a boss than I am of Senator McConnell right now.

Let me tell you why.

When Barack Obama won re-election in November, Obama decided he was willing to force the country off the fiscal cliff to push through his agenda.  The result would be the largest tax increase in American history.

Unless Congress took action, everyone’s taxes were going up January 1st, big time. Middle class families across Kentucky and our country would have seen their first paychecks on January 15th literally hundreds of dollars smaller due to new federal income tax withholding.

I don’t know about you, but as a middle class working man raising a young family, I can ill afford Barack Obama reaching deeper into my pockets, and I’ll bet just about every Kentuckian feels the same way.

In the end, there is only one reason why Kentucky taxpayers avoided these tax hikes: Senator Mitch McConnell.

For two months, well-intentioned allies in the fight for smaller government attempted to thwart President Obama’s plan. But it wasn’t until Leader McConnell took the reins that real progress was made. He showed the strong, disciplined and savvy leadership that only he can provide. And, in the end, he ensured that over 99% percent of Kentuckians will not pay higher income taxes.

What’s also important to know is that he has put us on strong footing in the fight to cut spending.

You see, the fiscal cliff was a two-part problem, one of both taxes and spending. Leader McConnell wisely separated the two to put us on stronger footing in both. First he fought off President Obama’s tax hikes for as many Kentuckians as he could.

Now comes part two.

In order to keep spending, Congress must raise the federal debt limit in two months. Through his leadership, Senator McConnell has not only ensured that your taxes will not go up, he has taken the threat of income tax hikes totally off table for debt limit negotiations. Now, President Obama and his allies will not be able to threaten every American with higher taxes as we fight for spending restraint and entitlement reform.

And let me tell you, I know Senator McConnell will be as rock solid and resolute in that fight as he was in protecting our paychecks.
Senator McConnell is a special leader and we can all be proud of what he just did for us. I hope you will stand with him now and in the coming months. If you are able, please help with a contribution of $50, $100, $250 or even $500 today.

If we come together and stand with Leader McConnell, we can get this country back on track. So, make sure to forward this email to your friends and neighbors to let them know that Mitch McConnell just saved their paychecks. Help us spread the word Facebook and Twitter. And please, if you can, help us with your generous contribution right away.


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