Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Kentucky 45th in Fiscal Condition

George Mason University's Mercatus Center has done a 50 state survey of state financial conditions.  Kentucky falls near the bottom at 45th. No surprise there.

Mercatus came up with a composite score based on five different variables: cash solvency for short term funding; budget solvency; long run solvency; service level solvency; and trust fund solvency.

The question becomes:  what do Jack Conway and Matt Bevin propose to do about it?

Any business contemplating relocating would look to this survey, or one like it, to evaluate the fiscal health of a state.  No one wants to move a business to a state that is likely to default, or face a massive tax hike. So the ability of Kentucky to manage its finances sensibly has real-world consequences for employment -- and for making Kentucky a place where our children want to remain as adults.

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