Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sen. Rand Paul Proposes Budget Tomorrow

It has been more than 1,000 days since the Democratic-controlled Senate has passed a budget.  That's longer than the Siege of Leningrad, and Sen. Rand Paul has had enough.

Tomorrow, Paul will propose: his FY2013 budget, "A Platform to Revitalize America."

Note the use of the word "Platform."  It evokes a presidential bid, perhaps deliberately so. 

Paul's platform will include a plan to balance the budget in 5 years.  He also calls for passage of the REINS Act, which would require that major executive branch regulations be subject to approval by Congress. That would certainly slow down the growth of the regulatory state and shake up lobbying and lawyering under the Administrative Procedure Act.

Paul's staff has been promoting this event for several days, and will include a blogger call as well as a press conference.  This is a well-orchestrated event.

Paul will be joined by by Sens. Jim DeMint (R-SC) and Mike Lee (R-UT) -- the Senate Tea Party Caucus.

In addition to the budget, Paul will discuss energy policy. Paul will call for more domestic exploration and drilling, in contrast to the Obama administration policies -- a contributing factor to the $6 a gallon gas now selling in California.

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