Saturday, May 29, 2010

Santigold Gets It

While driving, the lyrics of my teenager's songs usually send me diving for the "off" button, but a recent one caught my attention. They are in a song written and sung by an artist named Santigold. The song's title is "Shove It" and this is the chorus:

"We think you're a joke, shove your hope where it don't shine."

It is a rare thing in pop culture when an artist figures out our President, but Santigold remarkably has. She understands what he is up to. Her simple chorus eloquently articulates what most Americans now feel.

Interestingly, Santigold graduated from Wesleyan College, an elite Northeastern liberal arts college. People that go to Wesleyan are very smart, but few escape the brainwashing of its Lefty professors. Santigold is a refreshing example of one who evidently did.

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