Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Meanwhile, in the Middle East

While the Obama administration dithers in the Gulf of Mexico, tensions grow in the Middle East. The Jerusalem Post has come to the sad conclusion that in light of the Obama administration's position at the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Committee, "Israel should rethink the value of all U.S. promises, regardless of how or where they were made."

The Obama administration is preventing Israel from maintaining the ambiguity of its nuclear policy that has kept states like Iran that want to "wipe Israel off the map" from so doing.

The Obama administration calls for Israel to become a signatory to the nonproliferation treaty; the irony is that signatories include Iran, Syria and Libya, and yet the Obama administration singles out Israel as the problem state when it comes to nuclear weapons

As with the Gulf oil spill, the administration's credibility with Israel is in shatters, because America is no longer being led, just ruled, and not very competently.

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