Sunday, October 31, 2010
The Ugliest Robo-Call of 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Slate: KY Senators Are So Vain
Friday, October 29, 2010
KY-3 Race Makes Bill Bennett Show
Rally For Lally
Thursday, October 28, 2010
So What Has Made the Difference for Heiner?
Jack Conway's Union Buddies
A Word From the GOP Campaigns
- Hal Heiner Countdown to Victory Rally at Bowman Field Friday, October 29 5:30-7:30. Conservatives need to support this remarkable opportunity of a Republican mayor for Louisville.
- Call 895-55-99 to sign up to canvass for Hal.
- Rand Paul Election Night Victory Party will be at the Sloan Convention Center, Bowling Green. (Please r.s.v.p. to the campaign.)
- A block of discounted rooms is available at the Holiday Inn University Plaza
- Rand Paul events for this afternoon -- note the New Albany event (1st stop in the presidential campaign???)
12:30 PM Glasgow Lunch Stop
George J Ellis Restaurant - 144 East Public Square, Glasgow
1:45 PM Columbia Event
Adair County Courthouse Annex Building (Basement) - 424 Public Sq # 3, Columbia
2:45 PM Russell Springs Event
Mitchell's Family Restaurant - 2475 S Highway 127, Russell Springs
5:00 PM Somerset Event
Honey Baked Ham - 1813 S Highway 27 - Somerset
6:00 PM Albany Event
Albany Fair Ground - Closest Address: 107 East Water St - Albany
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Obama Comments on the Neck Stomping
In fairness, I don't expect every candidate to be responsible for every single supporter's actions, but I do think that all of us have an obligation to set a tone where we say the other side is -- may be wrong but it's not evil, because when you start going down that path of demonizing folks, then these kinds of incidents are more likely to occur. And my expectation in the remainder of this campaign is that all candidates out there are a little more careful about making sure that they're framing the debate around issues and sending a clear message to their supporters that our democracy works when we disagree, we debate, we argue, it gets contentious, but that there are certain lines we don't cross.
Yarmuth Beware: It's Not Just Fischer Who Should Be Worried By This Poll
Please note: The postings of "G. Morris", written by John K. Bush and which end in 2016, stated his views as of the dates of posting and should not be understood as current assertions of his views. The postings, which have not been altered since they came to an end, remain on this blog to preserve the historical record. In 2017, Mr. Bush took a position that precludes further public political comments or endorsements. He will no longer be contributing to this blog.
Jack Conway's Truthiness Problem
Rahm Emanuel Hearts John Yarmuth
Get Your Tickets to Hear Scott Brown
Which Circuit Judges to Vote For?
- Circuit Judge, Div. 6: Hon. Olu Stevens
- Circuit Judge, Div. 11: Hon. Brian Edwards
- Circuit Judge, Div. 3: Hon. Claude Prather
- Circuit Judge, Div. 7: Hon. Jennifer Wilcox
- Circuit Judge, Div. 10: Hon. Sheila Collins
- Circuit Judge, Div. 11: Hon. Sadiq Reynolds
- Circuit Judge, Div. 13: Deana McDonald
- Circuit Judge, Div. 14: Stephanie P. Burke
A Word About John Yarmuth's Buddies at SEIU
- In Milwaukee, a SEIU lobbyist brags about a hatchet job the union is planning on Republican Scott Walker on behalf of Democrat Tom Barrett, with media cooperation.
- In Washington state, an SEIU member was arrested for allegedly forging signatures on petitions
- In Harris County, TX a group run by a former SEIU staffer allegedly turned in over 23,000 fraudulent voter registrations [Video of said former SEIU staffer here.]
- Note: The situation seems to have deteriorated further as actual voting has begun.
- In Arizona, the SEIU (and affiliated groups) allegedly signed up 20,000 voters and was involved in get out the vote early rallies where it is possible that ballots from undocumented immigrants were sent in.
- Ironically, on Tuesday, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals threw out Arizona’s requirement that citizen’s show proof of citizenship in order to vote. . . .
- In Colorado, 6,000 voter registrations were canceled under Colorado’s 20-day rule. TheSEIU and SEIU-affiliated groups sought a preliminary injunction to reactivate the cancelled registrations.
- In Yuma, Arizona, Mi Familia Vota (a group connected to the SEIU and whose national treasurer is SEIU’s Eliseo Medina) and One Vote Arizona turned in more than 3,000 voter registrations, of which 65% were invalid. Yuma County [AZ-7] is where Democrat (socialist) Raúl M. Grijalva is in a tight race against Republican Ruth McClung [h/t Jim Hoft].
- On Tuesday, the Washington Examiner’s Mark Hemingway reported Nevada’s Clark County had voting machines that had Democrat Harry Reid’s name already checked. To make matters worse, the voting machine technicians are represented by the SEIU.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
SUSA Poll: Great News for Todd Lally
National Pundits Agree: Paul Won Debate
MARK HALPERIN: "I Thought Rand Paul In That Debate Was Calm And Cool, Even When There Was A Heated Exchange. He Stayed Looking Senatorial." (MSNBC's Morning Joe, 10/26/10)
MIKA BRZEZINSKI: "Rand Paul Was The Clear Visual Winner Here... This Guy Looked Centered, Focused..." (MSNBC's Morning Joe, 10/26/10)
EUGENE ROBINSON: "Rand Paul Is The One Who Has Managed To Come Across Sounding The Most Reasonable, Smartest. You Know, That Was A Very Reasoned Performance In The Debate." (MSNBC's Morning Joe, 10/26/10)
JOE SCARBOUROUGH: "I'm not comparing Rand Paul to Ronald Reagan here, but he's got a similar dynamic... people saw him debating Jimmy Carter, he looked... quite effective. And he ran away with it." (MSNBC's Morning Joe, 10/26/10)
JOE SCARBOUROUGH: "I Suspect In Kentucky They're Thinking, That Guy Actually Looked More Senatorial Than Conway." (MSNBC's Morning Joe, 10/26/10)
PAT BUCHANNAN: "Makes Rand Paul Look Like A Very Intelligent Thoughtful Guy" "He looked like a tutor. He's very professorial he's giving instructions basically on a complex issue sales tax, income tax. And he's sitting there with what looks like sort of a wiseacre pupil who's throwing smart aleck cracks and comments. There's nothing that Conway did in this segment that makes him look good and there's an awful lot in there that makes Rand Paul look like a very intelligent thoughtful guy who's trying to get across a point to a pretty slow student." (MSNBC's Morning Joe, 10/26/10)
Good for Chris Thieneman
"So I asked Hal, I said 'Hal - do you think you could find a position for me to where I could represent the South End in the areas that they've always been neglected?' And when I talked to Hal about that, he said - 'Chris I understand where you're coming from,
Conway Throws Obama Under Bus
Conway, the state attorney general, clearly senses a need to keep his distance from Obama, calling himself a “different kind of Democrat,” criticizing the White House for cutting a “sweetheart deal” with drug companies to pass the health care law, although he supported the plan. And he pointed out the White House should take a more forceful approach with Pakistan in its Afghanistan strategy.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Rand Paul Schools Jack Conway
Please note: The postings of "G. Morris", written by John K. Bush and which end in 2016, stated his views as of the dates of posting and should not be understood as current assertions of his views. The postings, which have not been altered since they came to an end, remain on this blog to preserve the historical record. In 2017, Mr. Bush took a position that precludes further public political comments or endorsements. He will no longer be contributing to this blog.
New Poll Results For Lally, Yarmuth
- Todd Lally: 37 percent
- John Yarmuth: 41
- undecided: 22
- margin of error: + or - 4.5
While Jack Conway was at Duke
In that sense, Conway was the opposite of Paul in college. The NoZe Brotherhood were outsiders, mocking their own campus culture with bizarre, incomprehensible antics. The SAEs were the ultimate insiders — southern, wealthy, almost entirely white. They had the best location on campus and looked down on others as “not SAE material."
Jack Conway and his SAE brother failed to use their vaunted Duke intellects. No one wondered why the supposed French Baron knew so little French that he had to take French 101.McConnell: Let's Defund NPR
McConnell frames this the proper way. The real issue with funding the CPB and NPR with tax dollars has nothing to do with Juan Williams. It has everything to do with the fact that we don’t have the money to waste on non-essentials, and that government has no business subsidizing broadcasters in a robust market with hundreds of choices for consumers. . . .
Enquirer Endorses Paul
"The world would be a poorer place if we did not make room for people with the courage to question conventional wisdom and the smarts to make a cogent case for their own vision. The race for Kentucky's U.S. Senate seat this fall has such a candidate - Republican standard-bearer Rand Paul."
"Few candidates we've talked to in recent years have displayed such refreshing intelligence, inquisitiveness and candor. And few candidates have had their words and ideas so frequently vilified and taken out of context."
"The real point: Paul is saying things that need to be said. He is raising issues that at least ought to be addressed thoughtfully. He is asking questions that don't-rock-the-boat politicians dare not ask."
"We need that kind of voice in the Senate, where too many members indulge in the kind of go-along, get-along group-think that has allowed government to grow fatter, more inefficient and more intrusive."
Sunday, October 24, 2010
C-J Endorses Conway (Yawn)
Saturday, October 23, 2010
RedState on Jack Conway
About That $2K Deductible
Thune Gives GOP Weekly Address (Must See)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Kelley Paul Responds to Conways Aqua Buddha Ad
Rand's opponent has made a desperate, shameful attack on our family.The New Republic called it despicable and the ugliest political ad of the year. Today's Courier Journal calls it odious. Democrats and Republicans across the country and here in Kentucky have condemned it.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
About Conway's Aqua Buddha Soundtrack
is a simple, long, end-blown flute that is the main wind instrument of Middle Eastern music and the only wind instrument in classical Arabic music. It is very ancient instrument. The nay is literally as old as the pyramids. Ney players are seen in wall paintings in the Egyptian pyramids and neys have been found in the excavations at Ur in Iraq. Thus, the ney has been played continuously for 4,500-5,000 years. It is one of the oldest musical instruments still in use.
Yarmuth Throws Conway Under Bus
Monday, October 18, 2010
Conway Makes Own College Memory, Today, at U of L
Conway Blew It
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Lally Impresses At Louisville Rally
Please note: The postings of "G. Morris", written by John K. Bush and which end in 2016, stated his views as of the dates of posting and should not be understood as current assertions of his views. The postings, which have not been altered since they came to an end, remain on this blog to preserve the historical record. In 2017, Mr. Bush took a position that precludes further public political comments or endorsements. He will no longer be contributing to this blog.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The Difference Between Yarmuth and Lally
Monday, October 11, 2010
What is That On Bill Clinton's Lip?
I just saw WHAS 11's coverage of Bill Clinton stumping for Jack Conway in Lexington. I expected Slick Willie to bite his trembling lower lip. I did not expect him to have what appears to be a cold sore on his upper lip.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Obama and Yarmuth: Two Old Duffers
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Sen. John Barrasso Gives GOP Weekly Address
“Rather than forcing Congress back into session to do the people’s business, the President merely waved goodbye.
“Interviewed recently about why he wouldn’t extend all of the tax cuts, President Obama declared that he had, quote, ‘a whole bunch of better ways for us to spend that money.’
“With all due respect Mr. President, this money isn’t yours. It belongs to the American people.
“The Obama tax hikes are yet another job killing burden that the American people and American employers cannot afford. Raising taxes on anyone in the middle of a recession is the worst thing we can do.